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Internet Access
Public Computers
Computers with Internet access are available at the Troy and Pleasant Hill libraries and the Maker Lab. While any Ohio resident can get a library card, guest passes are available to all which may be used to check out a computer. (A library card is still required to use the laptops from Troy's laptop kiosk.) It is recommended that documents be saved to a flash drive. Coin-operated printing in black and white or color is available at the Troy main, Maker Lab, and Pleasant Hill libraries.
Library Cards
Troy-Miami County Public Library cards are free to all residents of the state of Ohio. Applications for library cards may be made at the Troy Main Library, Maker Lab, Pleasant Hill Branch, or Bookmobile.
Valid photo ID and proof of current address must be presented before card is issued (driver's license, checkbook, utility bill, etc.) A provisional library card may be issued if no proof of permanent address is shown.
Children under 18 years old must have their library card application signed by a parent or legal guardian. If the child is not with the parent, proof the child exists is required and can include a birth certificate, health/human services card, or school I.D.
Please notify the library if your card is lost or stolen to prevent unauthorized use of your card. You are
Classroom Cards and Teacher Collections
Educators may request a collection of books be selected for them by the Outreach department or Youth Services Department at either location. The library staff enjoys helping teachers provide materials to enrich the learning experience of their students.
History of the Library
Adopt A Book
Looking for a special gift for someone on your shopping list? Consider giving the gift of reading by donating to the library in honor of a loved one or friend. For a donation of $25, the library will purchase a new children's or adult book (your choice) which will be added to the library's collection. Books can be personalized with a bookplate if requested. Get more information here or contact Jessica at jsilvers@tmcpl.org.
eReader Help Documents
Need some additional instruction on downloading eBooks and audiobooks? Please click on the links below to access some helpful guides.