Research Databases
Computer SourceComputer Source covers information and current trends in technology, with topics such as computer science, programming, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, information systems, robotics, and software. It also provides indexing and abstracts. |
Explora for Primary Schools (Grades PreK-5)Get help with your schoolwork using Explora. You will discover reliable information on topics covering a wide range of subjects including art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and sports. |
Explora for Secondary Schools (Grades 9-12)Using Explora, you will discover reliable information on thousands of topics covering a wide range of subjects including art and music, literature, language arts, geography, history, social studies, world cultures and languages, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health and sports. |
OhiolineOhioline is an information resource produced by Ohio State University Extension. Through Ohioline, you have access to hundreds of OSU Extension fact sheets covering a wide array of subjects such as agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, community development, and 4-H youth development. |
Oxford Research EncyclopediasThe Oxford Research Encyclopedias offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Each encyclopedia covers both foundational and cutting-edge topics in order to develop, over time, an anchoring knowledge base for major areas of research across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. |
Points of View Reference CenterPoints of View Reference Center is a comprehensive full-text database that provides a series of essays that present multiple sides of today’s most controversial scientific, social, economic, and political issues. Easily search leading political magazines from both sides of the aisle, newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, primary source documents, and reference books for more information. |
Science Reference CenterTopics include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology, and wildlife. Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. |